Program descriptions below.
Events with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres:
• Opening Reception (sponsored by Llewellyn)
• Post Main Ritual
• The Gala (also with cash bar)
Long Term Magical Workings: How and Why to Craft Them
The Alliance has been engaged in a magical working for more than fifteen years. Between the Worlds main rituals all weave together into one, contiguous whole. These are just two examples of groups working long term magic toward a purpose. When are long term workings desirable? Why? How do we initiate them?
Come discuss theories and strategies with Michael, Thorn, and Jim. Topics include the care and feeding of long term work. The ups and downs of collective magic. Building trust. Keeping communication clear. Periodically testing your operation. Refocusing and regrouping. Shifting course. Following the flow of the work. Opening and closing the pattern when it’s time.
— Aeptha, James Dickinson, & Michael G. Smith
Working With The Spirits Panel
A discussion of personal experiences with Spirits, God/dess/es, Angels, Orishas, and the like. The value, challenges, and risks of work with the spirits will be considered. Comparisons, contrasts, and similarities between experiences with different types of beings will be explored as well.
— Aeptha, Jesse Hathaway Diaz, Diana Paxson, & Sandra Santiago
The Wheel Of Changes: The Coming Decades Panel
An exploration of long term cycles from the perspective of Astrology, the Etruscan concept known as the saeculum, and various sociological and traditional systems. There will be a special focus on the next few decades in the United States and what these cycles indicate. Panel: Jo Graham, Diotima, & Maria Wander
Keeping It New In The New Aeon Panel
Magical, fraternal societies like the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and others are often associated with complex ceremonies lead by older, wizard-like figures under the auspices of total secrecy. But the reality of magical societies is far more accessible, approachable, and lively than many realize. In this panel, several members of William Blake Lodge O.T.O. will discuss what modern fraternal magical orders are like, what they do, and how they're relevant to modern day magic-workers. From the intersections of ceremonial magic and witchcraft to the role that marginalized voices play in these communities, and more, our guests will bring it all to the table and part some of the mists of uncertainty that shroud these beautiful traditions. Panel: Stephanie Olmstead-Dean, David Salisbury, & BJ Swain
Book Publishing Panel and Q&A Panel
Thinking of getting published? Don’t miss this discussion! Get all your questions answered, including: where and how to submit your proposal, the timeline and the process, the money question, the agent question, covers and titles, working the publicity machine, and much more. Well-known authors such as Devin Hunter, Thorn Mooney, Jhenah Telyndru, and Laura Tempest Zakroff will give you the inside look from the author’s perspective, while Heather Greene from Llewellyn Worldwide will provide information on acquisitions, editing, marketing, and distribution from the perspective of a mid-sized publisher.
Inclusion vs. Affirmation: Nonbinary, Genderqueer, and Transgender Identities in Our Communities Panel
Pagan, polytheist, and magickal communities naturally draw many seekers from the fringes of society, including people who are nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, and transgender. How can communities co-create spaces that are not just welcoming, but affirming, of non-cisgender people? Panelists will discuss ways in which their gender identity interacts with their magickal work, and practical suggestions for magickal communities to think “beyond the binary” in symbols, ritual, and structure. Panel moderated by: Enfys Book. Panel: Tamara Curry, Raven Edgewalker, David Dashifen Kees
Death Midwifery Panel
The topics of “a good death,” final preparations, respect for our religions, and the handling of the deceased are subjects that come up frequently in Pagan circles, particularly as more of our population ages. In this panel discussion, we will discuss Death Midwifery and other topics related to end-of-life planning. Featured topics will be document preparation, family and hospital interaction, counseling, funeral planning, and more. Panel Moderated by: Robert L. Schreiwer. Panel: Maggie Beaumont, Sabrina Chase, Larry Goble, Jr., Jessica Shoemaker, Stacey Stewart, and Ralph Young
New Magical Technology for Political Magic: Order of the Gorgon Shield
Our democracy, society and the world itself are in peril and many of us can see the dangers ahead. Prior to the last elections, a small group began meeting regularly to develop new technologies and magical interventions. Together we are doing magical work to strengthen the integrity of our democracy from the advance of authoritarianism and protect our communities. These technologies have now been field-tested and used. This session will include information on how to organize group creative process, a discussion of the types of magic we are finding useful for the purposes of this type of work, and we will share some of the specific technologies that can be used by others. Panel Members:
Linda Bourdet, Karen Bruhin, Ivo Dominguez Jr., Haeleron, Gwendolyn Reece, Jae Sea, Peg Wilsbach
Workshop & Ritual Descriptions
(In alphabetical order by presenter and conference)
Open New Areas of Mind
We have the experience of an understanding and transcendence just beyond our awareness that at times is more accessible than others. Wisely, we use meditation and ritual to strengthen connections and increase potentiality. The focus of this class is to teach an additional medium of expansion of consciousness. Looking to the Winged Lion and the upright Winged Serpent as direct apprehensions of potency and power you will learn a technique to draw upon these resources and open to new areas of mind. This class will be both informative and experiential.
A Solar Mystery (Ritual)
The qualities and powers associated with the sun are exceedingly extensive. In this ecstatic and transformative ritual, we will be draw first upon the role of the sun as a mediator to bring together divergent elements within ourselves. Through this ritual act of harmonization, we will open the threshold beyond the world of appearances. It is in this numinous space we draw upon the spiritual sun which awakens the transcendent intelligence. In the space of intuition and mystical awareness guidance, insight and inspiration may be received. We will return to the originating principle of harmonizing in order to integrate and assimilate this newfound level of awareness. Ritual garb in accordance with your tradition is recommended but not required.
Clio Ajana
Dionysian Meditative Ritual (Ritual)
With the help of Lord Dionysus, we journey through the cavity of elimination, illumination and purification. We recognize the infections and infestations in our lives as we use the transformative power of purification through elimination. Through this meditative ritual, we throw off the dregs and illnesses that linger from a prolonged winter.
Friendship In Difficult Times (Class and Discussion)
As Pagans, Heathens, and Polytheists, we pride ourselves on our openness and ability to accept anyone. Often, we are the folk who embrace those who feel rejected by other communities or religious traditions. In our circles, covens, groves, kindreds, and groups, we may socialize and form deep bonds with each other. We may have the occasional skirmish, but our numbers are growing due to this underlying positive attitude of acceptance. Now, the on-going 2020 pandemic has tested the boundaries of these close connections. As we start 2022, the current climate is overwhelmingly political. When we lose friends to politics or medical stances, we experience a form of grief. Whether it was due to a stance on vaccines, support or lack of support for a political candidate, or even a stance on parents' rights to determine the education of their children, friendships are no longer the easy strong support that we expected in the years prior to 2020. We are living in a time of open wounds where just getting close to the topic can hurt. Come join in a candid and healing discussion about how to manage friendships both in general and within our communities during these difficult times. We will conclude with healing work appropriate to the waning moon cycle.
Mat Auryn
Mind Magick
Magick doesn't necessarily require any physical tools, rituals, or spells to work. Sometimes we don't have access to these things when we need to work magick. Luckily, magick can be employed anywhere and at any time, without anyone even knowing you're performing magick. In this workshop, Mat Auryn will be sharing the keys to altering reality to conform to your will by employing simple occult and metaphysical techniques discussed in his book Psychic Witch (Llewellyn).
Triple Soul of the Witch
Many mystical and religious traditions around the world have viewed the soul as not a single substance but having multiple parts, most commonly three. Witchcraft is no exception, in this engaging workshop Mat Auryn will teach about the three souls as explained in his book Psychic Witch (Llewellyn). You will learn how to connect with, feed, and strengthen each of the three souls while also learning how to work through each of the soul’s challenges. You will also learn how each soul gives you a different perspective in psychism and realm of influence within magickal workings.
Karen Bruhin (With Carm DiLullo)
Falcons & Gyphons: On Using Orders Within Groups
The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel currently has two Orders, the Falcons and the Gryphons in addition to its covens. The Falcons are seers and diviners, and the Gryphons are guardians and clearers of toxic energy. They work separately and together. Learn how these magical Orders are structured and enrich our community. The Orders are individuals collected from our covens for their gifts and trained with highly specific skills. They are further trained in synchronicity and cooperation with each other. In theory and in practice, these subsets can be a powerful asset to a group providing service in extraordinary situations. This may be a model your group or community may wish to explore.
Danielle Dionne
Partnering with the Dead for Magick and Healing
The spirits of the dead offer a rich partnership for healing of the past and present to empower the future. Join Danielle to explore ways to build relationships with your loving ancestors. Discuss ways to create space in your life to honor and commune with the dead and to seek their intercession through divination and magick. Learn to build a magickal mediumship practice to receive messages and to validate their presence in your life. Consider ways to work with the ancestors to heal yourself and your lineage through veneration and ritual.
Jim Dickinson
Contacted Traditions: Sponsors, Overshadowing, and Indwelling
What does it mean to have a “contacted” tradition? What are these beings? How do they interact? What is their purpose? Why does it matter? During the change of the ages, the opportunity for contact and the anchoring of these beings in our space and time has increased. We will discuss the nature of the beings, the potential forms of contact, the limits and benefits, and how members of contacted traditions might interact with their contact. It is a relatively rare occurrence, but when it happens, it matters.
Jesse Hathaway Diaz
Her Name is Legion: Working with Pomba Gira, the Devil’s Wife
Roses strewn at midnight on the street corner, seven candles burned for the Queen of the Crossroads, the song hanging in the air as the spirit grabs her mount and the Lady enters amongst her devotees to hold court and advise, to heal and to curse, to spend time amongst the living. Tobacco fills the air, and she stays until dawn, those present saluting her for her wisdom, power, and presence. Salve Pomba Gira!
Queens and Whores, Murderers and Thieves, Witches and Sorcerers. These are the 'Good People' of Quimbanda, the spirits of earth and fire that stir lust and desire, grant luck and vengeance, and protect those who serve them. The males are collectively known as Exu, the female spirits collectively known as Pomba Gira.
Quimbanda is a spiritual system born in and because of Brazil itself: a child of West African magic and world-view mixed with Indigenous plant and spirit lore and some glossings of European witchcraft and sorcery. Originally a possession cult focusing on spirit contact and pragmatic workings, it has become a complex system incorporated into Umbanda and some lineages of Candomble, as well as surviving as its own practice.
Drawing from his knowledge and over a decade of experience as a Tata Quimbanda, Jesse Hathaway Diaz will explore the worldview and spirits of Quimbanda, with a special focus on the Pomba Giras, sharing their stories, songs, personalities, and affinities, and various ways of working with them. Pomba Gira is legion, her name an invocation in itself. She invites us to join her ranks, to recognize the power of choice in the fire that burns at the crossroads of each moment!
Dual-Faith Observance: Always Heresy, Never Blasphemy
The various streams of ‘Traditional Witchcraft’ often adhere to a concept of ‘dual-faith observance’ – a conception of multiple belief, where by the esoteric interpretation of one tradition allows for the praxis of another. Here we navigate a thin line between religion and spirituality, belief and faith, and modern conceptions of politics and Abrahamic cultural inheritance complicate it further. The religions of the right, expressed through orthodoxy, are practiced in tandem with the spiritualities of the left, expressed through heresy– but it beyond compartmentalization. This is not ignorance of, or even ignoring the discrepancies, it is an embracing of them. Can someone practice two seemingly conflicting traditions at once? Once denial is sidestepped, and heresy embraced, all manner of things can be achieved!
Drawing upon a background in ritual theory and performance studies, and over two decades in the traditional craft community, Hathaway Diaz will explore theory and praxis both, giving examples from many streams of magical thought where power is embraced not only through societal and cultural acquiescence, but through the witch’s cross-cultural universal drive: to obtain and maintain power and autonomy.
Ivo Dominguez Jr
The Consequences of Magickal Action, Aftercare, and Healing
This workshop is on methods to deal with bad reactions or injuries sustained in ritual, when magical work sours, or in outright attacks. I will also be covering quick and simple diagnostics in order to choose a response, if one is needed. The middle and long term impact of magickal action will also be addressed so that you can remain healthy and strong for more years. Wear and tear ignored is often more damaging than injuries or acute situations. Rest, healing, and aftercare are the key to staying for the long haul.
Designing Effective Rituals
The creation of new rituals that are safe, moving, and efficacious is both an art and a science. We will start will a quick listing of sources for inspiration, guidance, and power for the creation of rituals. In this workshop, several models for describing, testing, and balancing ritual outlines will be presented. Methods for dealing with small groups and large public rituals will also be shared. We will also talk about why rituals work and how they have the potential to touch and to change us. The methods and paradigms offered will be applicable to a wide range of traditions.
Jo Graham
The Great Wheel
Explore the Etruscan Saeculum, the Great Year, and how its generational cycle plays out in the modern United States. Are you Spring-born, Summer-born, Autumn-born or Winter-born? How does your season of birth on the Great Wheel influence your perspective and help define your role in this era of crisis. We are deep in Winter in the Great Year. How can we use the wisdom of those who came before us and lived through this season before to help us lead in our communities, protect those we are responsible for, and create the best outcomes for the crisis? We’ll explore the Etruscan concepts and how they dovetail with modern sociological theory in a uniquely Pagan way. (Based on my book The Great Wheel and Winter, both from Llewellyn.)
Heather Greene
Book Publishing Panel and Q&A Panel
How Witches shaped Hollywood Film and Television
Often it seems that witches on the silver screen have no resemblance to those who walk among us and are us. The gulf between reality and fiction often seems vast and even dangerous. However, we still love those fictional witches and are mystified by their spells. More importantly, within those cinematic representation, there actually is a bit of us - a bit of real magic woven through the fantasy and the horror. Heather Greene will pull back the curtain to demonstrate where and when, and why, modern witches and occultists influenced mainstream cinema and television.
Devin Hunter
Crystal Gnosis
Have you ever picked up a crystal and felt one vibration from it, only to look it up in a book and find it’s supposed to have a completely different vibe? Where did crystal correspondences come from and who decided which stone had which vibration? In this workshop we dive into the concepts of crystal correspondences and the “meaning” of stones as well as why people find them so important and how to cultivate your own sense of mineral wisdom, crystal gnosis.
Tara-Love Maguire
Living in Liminality
Walking the roads between worlds with wisdom and ease lies at the very heart of witchcraft, but how do you keep your own heart safe and sane if the borders separating our world from Elsewhere are just naturally thinner for you? And what can a witch do to protect themselves if predisposed to mental illness? Self-care is crucial, but so is learning to navigate reality – in all worlds. Align your internal compass, learn to live within liminal spaces to strengthen yourself and your practice.
Baneful Plants and the Poison Path
“There are poisons that blind you and poisons that open your eyes.” Some plants are pretty to look at, sweet to smell, and bursting with the colors of life and laughter. Along the crooked path though, here grows another sort of greenery entirely- with venom, fang, and claw. Herein lies your ticket to the Sabbat, witches. Herein lies the lost key to your flight. Learn about the path of the poisoner, as well as some of the more utilized plants, their folklore, and how to responsibly steward them in your home garden.
Katrina Messenger
A Working to Heal the Waters of the World (Ritual)
The waters of the world are dying. They call to us to heal them, to revive them, to remember them … the waters of life. The Order of the Elemental Mysteries (OEM) has been called to share our healing ritual for the waters of the world. We offer this ritual to the world to be enacted, enhanced, shared, and evolved into a global call for the healing of the waters. In this ritual we connect through the creeks, streams, and rivers flowing into the Potomac, Susquehanna, Rappahannock, York, and James Rivers. These mighty rivers flow into the Chesapeake Bay and then into the Atlantic Ocean, from where they connect to all the oceans of this world and back into the atmosphere as rain that falls and flows across and within the land. In this way, we can all heal our local waterways as part and parcel of healing the waters of the world. We invite participants to bring items to set on the altar to be blessed during the working.
Body Wisdom: Healing the Schism between our Mind/Culture and our Animal Bodies
Even as we attribute sacredness and divine presence to the soil, the ground, and the earth, we simultaneously abuse, ignore, and poison our bodies, our flesh, our sacred temple of life itself. How can our bodies be less sacred than the Earth of which we are made? How do we heal the split between our minds and bodies? How do we heal the split between our culture and the life of our own species?
This workshop will share the premise of Body Wisdom, that our bodies contain within them the wisdom and experience that can heal us and our world. We will learn practices and prayers that access this wisdom and increase our capacity to learn from Nature itself.
Imbolc Ritual
Thorn Mooney
Advancing the Witch’s Path: Getting Unstuck, Overcoming Burnout, and Moving Forward in Magic
Getting stuck is natural, and it happens to witches at all levels of experience. In this class, we’ll talk about the walls we hit in our work as witches, whether that’s feeling like you’re reading the same books over and over again, wondering why your connections to the gods and spirits aren’t as deep as you’d like, failing at a daily practice, or just figuring out how to wade through all of the magical material out there and pick out the good stuff. We’ll share practical, no-nonsense strategies for pushing forward, whether that means kickstarting your magical life for the first time, recovering from burnout or boredom, or finally getting off the sidelines and into meaningful ritual.
Reading the Tarot Without Memorization
Many of us have a tarot deck (or three) stashed on a shelf or under an altar, abandoned because we just couldn’t get the hang of it. With seventy-eight cards (and reversals!), there’s just too much to memorize. The cards don’t speak to us. In this no-frills, hands-on workshop, Thorn gives you a series of strategies for reading the cards—for yourself and for others—without reaching for that little white book. If you have a deck, bring it! If you don’t, we have some to lend! (More into oracle cards than traditional tarot? Come on down! These techniques apply equally well.)
Christopher Orapello
Resurrecting Necromancy
The witchiest (and deadest) of all the practices associated with European witchcraft, the art of necromancy could also be the most misunderstood. Let’s resurrect necromancy and learn what it is and its connection to the phrase "black magick.” Join me and discover how it fits into modern witchcraft and how it can add a new layer to your practice as a witch.
The Hidden Landscape
To a witch, the value of the land itself stretches wider and burrows deeper than the blessings bestowed upon them by any harvest or fertility rite. Learn about the hidden landscape and what magick it has in store to the willing and daring witch who seeks to grow or deepen their practice and to learn the scope of what it means to be an animist and witch.
Leanne Pemburn
All Things Chiron (Ritual)
In ancient Greek mythology, Chiron was the first astrologer, shaman and healer, touching many heroes and other mythic characters and sending them on their journeys. In 1977, the planetoid Chiron was discovered among the outer planets, in Saturn & Uranus, heralding a New Age of healing modalities and a sea change of culture and energy.
Our wide ranging discussion will start here, and end with a ritual to meet Chiron Himself. (ritual garb encouraged but not required. Doors will be closed when ritual starts)
Christopher Penczak
The Witch Tree
A common image in Witchcraft and Shamanism is the World Tree. Considered the Axis Mundi, the Pillar of the World, it has parallels with the heavenly ladder of Jacob, world mountain Meru, and the Egyptian Djed Pillar, or Spine of the Sacrificed God. Its most famous images is of the Norse Yggdrasil. The axis is a sign of stability upon which creation revolves. Go deeper into relationship with the Tree, learning the mysteries of feeding the tree and being fed by the tree. Understand how the spirit wells of each realm feed it. Read the sacred letters upon its leaves. Explore its relationship with the Serpent-Dragon of the World. Experience the Nine Waves of Creation that emanate from it throughout the cosmos. Know its various incarnations in the past ages. Understand the dangers to the tree, and how you can bring continuity to the turning universe.
Aquarius Rite: Bearing the Phoenix of Light (Ritual)
The work of Aquarius is the work of community, embracing both the paradigm shifting rebel and the spirit of social responsibility. Aquarius creates, kindles and stirs the cauldron of community for our service and evolution. Titled the Water Bearer, this air sign is often aligned with the image of the Eagle of Zeus, and the divine light bearers, Prometheus and Lumiel. In the Glastonbury Zodiac, Aquarius is presented as the Phoenix, the divine bird of fire and resurrection, bearing the New Aeon to the world. Through this sacred rite, bear the blessings of water, of air, and of fire to our community.
David Salisbury
The Iron Pentacle
The Iron Pentacle is a tool for revolution, for yourself and the world around you. Through the five points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power, and Passion, we can unshackle our currents of personal power from the overculture’s grip. Running this power through the body can help you cultivate a greater sense of your true nature and bring about increased integrity and authenticity. In these trying times, this simple but powerful concept from the Feri Tradition could benefit the entire world. Bring water for yourself to sip during class.
Sandra Santiago
The Ritual of Espiritismo (Workshop/Ritual Limited to 10 people)
Espiritismo is a term used in Latin America and the Caribbean to refer to the belief that good and evil or dark spirits can affect health, luck and other aspects of human life. Sanse is the name of a Caribbean spiritual practice that synchronizes the teachings of Alan Kardec, Catholicism, and ancestor veneration brought to Puerto Rico by African slaves as well as what practices remained from the Arawak/ Tanios, the original inhabitants of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.
This session will be part workshop and part ritual. Iya Baba No Ke will set up a working altar as used in the practice and talk about the origin and protocols of the tradition. Then, participants will be invited to partake in a short version of a medium session.
Disclaimer: The session will involve the channeling of ancestors. Anyone sensitive to energy work should ground and protect themselves before participating in the session.
Healing the Belly Goddess (Workshop/Ritual Limited to 15 people)
Women‘s natural spirituality differs from men‘s spirituality, and yet we expect it to be the same. The Women‘s Womb Circle is an ancient practice. It was how women came together to share wisdom, celebrate, strengthen community, and connect with the Sacred Feminine/Goddess/Divine Mother. The Divine means different things to us in each phase of our life. Through joy and pain, our spiritual needs and our spiritual expression change with each phase. There is a need deep within to validate our female bodies in all its forms, to release the restraints, and guilt, and to step into the world free and joyful and connected to the powerful energies that are inherent in being a woman. Working with our Womb energies changes us, and our perspective about our place in the world. When a woman is able to honor her Womb her connection to the sacred feminine energies within her deepens. She is also able to access the energy for her own personal healing, self-development, and awakening.
The Belly Goddess workshop is a safe space where women can reconnect the Divine Feminine. Participants will discuss the importance of the sacral chakra for women. They will be encouraged to dialogue with their divine voice through journaling and meditation in order to reconnect with their authentic individual and spiritual self. After the circle meditations, Sandra will offer limpias ( spiritual cleansings in the Latin American tradition) to all who are interested.All women, including transwomen, women with hysterectomies, etc. are welcome.
Ann Sheffield
Heathen Ethics, Then—and Now?
During the Viking Age, understandings of “right” and “wrong” were negotiated, lived out, and passed down in a society that was profoundly different from our own. Those differences can create confusion and misunderstanding when modern Heathens look to “the lore” for ethical guidance. In this class, we will analyze some of the unconscious assumptions we often make about ethics, examine how these assumptions differ from those of Heathens in the past, and discuss what all this could mean for Heathens and Pagans who are wrestling with how best to live in our complex, sometimes contradictory, always challenging world.
A Can of Wyrms: Serpents and Dragons in Norse Thought
In Old Norse literature, snakes and dragons (which were both considered “serpents”) are usually portrayed as malevolent, monstrous, or even demonic. Hints from archaeology and folklore, however, suggest that serpents could also be connected with wisdom, protection, and feminine power. We will jump into this pit of vipers, examine various sources that reflect medieval thought about serpents, and consider what all this might mean for us today.
Beverley Smith
Sex, Romance, & Glamor...Oh My!
In this presentation Doctor Beverley will share rootwork prescriptions for sexual attraction, romantic love, and placing "a glamour" on oneself to bring new love, new friends, and exciting romance into your life. Learn spells to attract Mr. Right (or Ms. Right Now). Whether you want to meet new lovers or find your Soulmate, or merely wow the crowds and influence people, this presentation has something for everyone. Whether you desire a fling, a marriage, or to be undeniably & magically attractive, this class is for YOU.
Rootwork & Rituals for Resistance: Magic for Social Justice & Liberation
Beverley Smith, also known as Doctor Beverley, will discuss the role of Rootwork and Conjure in terms of social and racial justice. We begin by affirming that we aren't yet completely free...not yet, not until we ALL are free. We will discuss liberation work in its historical context, originating with an enslaved people trying to survive dire circumstances in a foreign land. We will look at modern-day rootwork as a means of community support, survival, and healing. Practical solutions for “being free” at home, at work, and in the world will be taught.
Michael G. Smith
The Ancient Egyptian Self
Like most cultures the ancient Egyptians believed that the 'self' has many parts or aspects. We will examine their concept of the self and its role in both life and the afterlife. This will include looking at each of the pieces of the self and how they interact with each other and the forces around them.
We will also compare the ancient Egyptian concepts to some of the more common ways Western Occultism divides the parts of self and, hopefully, expand both our understanding of and workings with The Self.
A Ritual To Empower The Magickal Self (Ritual)
We live in a time where the ideas, philosophies, beliefs, and faith of those that walk the Earth Spirituality paths are discouraged and dismissed. The energetic atmosphere that surrounds us always is anti-magick, and we must work all the harder to pursue our spiritual, magickal, and religious paths. We are not without aid and Allies. In this ritual, we will travel to the Spiral Castle of Arianrhod, Star Goddess, to seek her aid in empowering ourself as the magickal person which is the birthright of each of us.
The Sacred And The Profane
Within many branches of Esoteric practice there is a paradox: all the world is sacred verses the need to create sacred space. In this workshop we will explore the nature of the sacred and the profane and how this dichotomy can be useful in understanding what is meant by 'sacred space' and its numerous external and internal manifestations. There will be an exploration of other concepts common in Paganism, such as the Spark of the Divine, the supernatural, and others.
BJ Swain
Witchcraft, the Grimoires, and a Living Spirit Tradition
European magic did not die out and experience a rebirth as is often put forth, rather it shifted and adapted to changing social circumstances. With these shifts there are elements we have lost, which can often be seen vibrantly in non-European traditions. Historical examples of witchcraft and formalized spirit work provide us with many clues towards a what living spirit tradition of European magic could look like. In this class we will look at our history to paint a possible image of the future of European traditional magic.
Jhenah Telyndru
From Goddess to Grail: Reclaiming the Quest for Sovereignty
One of Western Tradition’s most evocative tales is the Search for the Holy Grail, that sacred vessel which will heal the Wounded King and restore the fallow land to bountiful abundance. But what is the true nature of this quest, and what wisdom does it hold for the spiritual seeker of today? Together, we will trace the evolution of the Grail Quest back to its origins, and examine its connection to the rites of kingship in Celtic traditions. We will compare the types of Sovereignty figures appearing in Irish, Welsh, and Arthurian legends, and discuss the importance of being in right relationship with the Lady of Sovereignty. Finally, we will consider ways to reclaim the Vessel of Transformation, so that we may work to revive the Wasteland - both within and around us.
Fire in the Head: Igniting the Spark of Awen in our Lives
In Welsh tradition, the gift of Awen, or Divine Inspiration, was obtained from the Cauldron of Cerridwen - She who is Goddess and Muse. Bards sought the Awen to illuminate their art, birth forth poetic prophecy, and ignite their spirits with the transformational fires of wisdom. In this workshop, we will discuss the history and lore of the Awen, explore the symbol of the Three Rays /|\, and work with several techniques - both ancient and modern - used to connect with the Source of Awen and prepare the vessel of the self to experience its soul-changing power.
Maria Wander
Hellenistic Astrology Timing Technique - Annual Profections
An astrology chart maps the planets in their journey around the Sun on the day you born. The chart is segmented into 12 house sectors which indicate specific areas of life. Dig deeper into your natal chart and learn when specific planets and house topics are activated to draw out the full potential of your natal placements.
The sign of the zodiac rising on the horizon at the moment of birth is akin to the helm or prow of a ship. The ruler of the Ascendant is known as the Helmsman, literally the one at the wheel of your life, guiding the vessel of your humanity.
At each year of life, a different planetary Time Lord will be awakened to take the helm, according to the Hellenistic technique of Annual Profections. The term Chronocrator is a transliteration of a Greek term that refers to the planet activated as a Time Lord in a natal chart for a span of time.
In this workshop we will activate the Chronocrators and use 20/20 hindsight to create foresight for your immediate future. If we have time, we will look at the Annual Solar Return and evaluate how the Time Lord in charge navigates to unfold the natal promise.
James C. Welch
House Blessings & Wardings: Making A Home
This workshop focuses on how to make your living space a home and sanctuary from a spiritual and magickal perspective. This workshop will answer questions like: whose home is it, basic elements for a ceremony, how to claim your home, what to do if you live with others, and how to set up basic wards and guardians. Cleansing, clearing, and blessing are just the beginning.
Main Ritual Prep Class
This class prepares you for the main ritual on Friday night. There is a pathworking, chant practice, and an overview of the flow of the ritual. There is also a short question and answer period. The class runs 30-35 minutes.
Laura Tempest Zakroff
Exploring the Anatomy of a Witch
Discover the five essential organs or systems that enable a Witch to more fully embody their magic and develop their personal practice. From symbol to synergy, we will use the metaphysical body of the Witch as a guide to tapping into the greatest and most powerful tool in our possession – our own physical bodies.
The Art of Sigil Witchery
Sigils are magical symbols that are designed to influence ourselves and the world around us. Explore a fresh, innovative and intuitive approach to crafting your own designs. Tracing through history, art, and culture, we’ll look at the basic elements that make up all symbols, consider meanings, and see how to safely and respectfully incorporate them into your own personal practice. Bring a writing implement and notebook.
Sacred Space Classes/Rituals (Rituals are in Italics)
Shining Self, Arise: Beyond the Veils of Existence
Many Hermetic disciplines make use of the concept of layers of being, planes of existence, veils of the ancestors, the greater mysteries of the work and more. Among these disciplines the wisdom contained within the Hermetic Qabalah provides the Three Veils of Existence – the Ayin, the Ayin Soph and the Ayin Soph Aur as states of being/non-being before creation. Each comprises the blueprint of form and formlessness that catalyzes the creative impulse towards self-awareness, and ultimately manifestation. When applied to the personality and spiritual growth of the individual this realization becomes the out picturing of the Higher Self arising in all of its mystery, beauty and Divine nature.
This workshop will begin with exploration of the Three Veils of Existence of the Qabalah and their correlates in other Hermetic disciplines. From this space of understanding and finding your point of resonance, we will delve more deeply into the energetic mechanisms that flow into the self-awareness of the polarized outpourings of force becoming form as they coalesce and transmute the individual as a Being of self-claimed power and justifiable mercy. It is from this nexus of liminal space that holds the patterning of creation’s formless nature that the shining Self arises, the bodies of magick and Light awaken and we step into the mantle of our Divine birthrite. We will conclude the workshop with a specially crafted pathworking entering the veils and emerging cloaked in the beauty of our true nature of magick and light. Please note that prior knowledge of Qabalistic studies is not required. The material will be presented in a way that is accessible to all seekers.
The Alchemical Light of Qabalistic Healing for Mind, Body and Spirit
The study of Qabalah can be daunting in the sheer scope of depth and volume of information; the complexity of principles presented and the outdated concepts of gender, polarities and philosophies that are not always compatible with the modern perspective. And, knowing how to adapt and bring these concepts into practical and daily application can be the greatest and most daunting mystery of all. The truth is that we unconsciously apply these principles in all of our endeavors. So why not open to a greater and more inclusive perspective, that can be actively used as we continue to emerge from COVID and the overall rawness of the world?
This workshop will offer rudimentary ways to apply the “Life” of the Hermetic Tree to our daily experience in a way that synthesizes the mystic and the mundane and that can specifically be applied towards a healing and regenerative practice. Discussion of correspondences including the Alchemical Elements, Color, Numbers, Astrological components, and more will provide the keys of connection for personal growth, adaptability and transformative change that will make the content easily accessible and relevant to any spiritual/magickal practice. Special attention will be given to the practical application of a Qabalistic blueprint to engage body, mind and Spirit in the process of health, self-renewal and energetic enlivening. Please note that prior knowledge of Qabalistic studies is not required. The material will be presented in a way that is accessible to all seekers.
Ritual: The Temple of Rebirth
What will you surrender to the Ancient One? What will you seek to restore the harmony of your Self in death and re-formation? Who will you become when form falls away? What greater knowledge of self will become the womb of your rebirth?
This ritual uses the structure of the Hermetic Qabalistic Tree of Life and the principles of death and rebirth as the underpinnings of transformation. We arise from the world of manifest form and enter the abode of Lilith, the Destroyer and the Creatrix. Having surrendered to the dismantling of form, we pass through the veil of illusion and seek the counsel and wisdom of Ma’at calling forth the balance of chaos and harmony. As the illusion of form falls away we come to stand within the Temple of Isis and receipt of the re-membering of our divinity in light and shadow, form and formless. When all have found their path of return, we arise as a whole, fully integrated in all of our parts, Light and Shadow, using ecstatic energy and movement as the vehicle of manifestation and rebirth. Please bring a bottle of water to remain hydrated.
Descent Into the Duat: The Liminal Gates of Death’s Brilliant Rebirth
In Ancient Egyptian cosmology, the nocturnal journey of the Solar God RA as the bringer of each day’s light from Dawn to Dawn speaks to the regenerative power of RA and the remaking of that solar light overseen by Osiris as ruler of the underworld and death. This journey begins with entry into the Duat (Amduat or netherworld) at Dusk and moves through the Twelve Hours of the night; each of these hours is considered a gate that issues a challenge and another step, if successfully navigated, towards the ultimate gift of regeneration and becoming the source of Dawn’s new light.
This workshop will guide us through the Twelve Gates as we descend into the darkness of the Duat. We will acknowledge these gates as places of power and call to the regenerative nature within to transform and emerge enlivened and brilliant in potential at the dawning of our own rebirth. Discussion of the psycho-spiritual meanings of this journey, the building of the light body (the KA) and the impact of its lessons on spiritual growth and personal power are some of the topics of focus. We will move through each of the Gates, using a brief pathworking to deepen our understanding (SIA) and awaken the magick (HEKA) within. Please note that prior knowledge of Ancient Egyptian studies/Deities is not required. The material will be presented in a way that is accessible to all seekers.
Music Magick
Music is magickal. Music is healing. Music is transformative. Music is powerful juju.
In this workshop we will listen and groove to three songs, which have become powerful muses for my work and life as a practicing Witch. Be prepared to listen, move, and allow your magickal self to show up and dance. This workshop will prepare you for Najah Lightfoot’s classes on the Divine Marie Laveau and Tituba – the Black Witch of Salem.
Who Can I Turn To? Calling upon the Divine Marie Laveau for help with Court Cases
The name Marie Laveau is synonymous with Vodou, stories of Conjure, and Bayou Magick. But many don’t realize Marie Laveau gave deeply of her strength and time to aid those suffering and languishing in prison. In this workshop we will discuss Marie Laveau’s prison work, how the community loved her, and a rite you can use for Court Case work.
Ritual for Tituba – Black Witch of Salem
The year is 1692. Anyone who is interested in Witches or calls themselves a Witch, knows about the Salem Witch Trials. But what about Tituba, the enslaved Woman of Color, without whom there would have been no Witch hunt or trials? Tituba is a legendary figure. We know she existed yet very little is known about her. In this ritual we will honor the life of Tituba, by bringing her from the shadows into the light. Please bring a small black onyx stone for the altar.
The Many Faces of Freyja
The Norse goddess Freyja (“the Lady”) is best known as a goddess of love, but She is far more. A look at the lore reveals her as wealth-bringer and receiver of the slain, lady of the house, high priestess of the gods, and mistress of both positive magic and sorcery. Next to Odin, she is the “pushiest” of the gods and most popular among modern Heathens. As She was in the Viking Age, Freyja is the Lady of Life and all that keeps life going, and She is reaching out to us today.
Ancestors, Appropriation and Affinity: In Search of a Pagan Identity
For over two centuries, American ancestors have worked to expand and apply our ideals and understand what they truly mean. We need to honor heroes from all the ethnic groups that built this land. How can we develop a relationship based on spiritual affinity without misappropriation? How can we work with all the ancestors to make our country a place of liberty and justice for all?
Runes for Healing
The runes are much more than a tool for divination—they are a powerful tool for use in healing. In this session, we will discuss which runes might be used for which conditions and explore several ways to deliver them.
Advanced Self Care: Battling Burnout for Pagans And Leadership
The more tumultuous the times, the more our friends, family and other practitioners need us. And the more likely that we are stretching ourselves too thin. If the solution were as simple as a bubble bath or a glass of mead, we’d have done that by now. Join folk herbalist and aromatherapist Amy Blackthorn in looking at the root of the issue and how strategies for self care used by our non-Pagan friends may not be appropriate. How the needs of the priesthood differ from solitary practitioners as well as crafting solutions that work for the long haul with magical squares, astrological petitions and more.
Scion of Scent- Aromatic talismans and sigils
Witches have worked with aromatic plants since time immemorial. In this offering by aromatherapist and author of ‘Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic,’ we will journey together to design aromatic talismans combining magical properties, musical associations, and astrological correspondences. Learn to make a scent sigil and how to work with the thoughtforms of these intentions in ritual.
Qabala’s Queer Connections
Qabala has historically been taught from a very cisgender, heteronormative, patriarchal perspective, but it’s actually a profoundly queer magickal tool. This workshop will look at each of the ten Sephiroth through a queer lens and relate them to life experiences many queer people share in common. At the end of the workshop, we will do a group meditation and journaling exercise to reconnect with our deeper selves and claim our unique power and perspective through the Tree of Life.
Inclusion vs. Affirmation: Nonbinary, Genderqueer, and Transgender Identities in Our Communities
Pagan, polytheist, and magickal communities naturally draw many seekers from the fringes of society, including people who are nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, and transgender. How can communities co-create spaces that are not just welcoming, but affirming, of non-cisgender people? Panelists will discuss ways in which their gender identity interacts with their magickal work, and practical suggestions for magickal communities to think “beyond the binary” in symbols, ritual, and structure.
Panel moderated by: Enfys Book. Panel: Richard A. Davis, Raven Edgewalker, Tamara Curry
Our dominant culture holds a false illusion, that to be courageous one must be visible, big, brave and bold as a roaring lion. Not all of us can embrace that image, finding instead that our courage lurks in the shadows, the courage of a small mouse scurrying across a field at night. Join us to explore what courage means to you in this experiential workshop. Using tools of sacred discussion, trance-work and spell-work we will explore courage as individuals and as a group, charging ourselves with the energy of courage to take back into the world with us.
Wands: Not just for witches?
The wand in neo-paganism has become one of the archetypal tools of Wiccans and witches, but it has a much more diverse history to explore, from the mysterious wands of the Viking völva burials to their entry into occult magic via the Key of Solomon and thence into Wicca via Gerald Gardner. This workshop will explore some of the history of wands, their uses in magical practice, types of wands and how the materials that we use in wands can impact their use in our magical practice. Raven has been using and making wands for more than 20 years, and is thrilled to share some of her knowledge.
Chi Kung
Chi Kung is an ancient exercise to gently stretch the body and invigorate the meridians. By gently moving and twisting our bodies, we can find better bodily function and peace of mind. This form is from the Tung Family, which I have been teaching for almost twenty five years. This form does not have much footwork and can be done standing or sitting, depending on your abilities. Please wear loose comfortable clothing.
The Refined Seven-Fold Alignment: Technique for Co-Creating an Intentional Future
A response to the “Co-creative call to action for the restoration of wellbeing for Earth and her life”. As magic workers, we must rise to a higher level of clarity, purpose, accountability and skills than many of our magical ancestors. The impact of our ever- expanding technological development on the current and future state of the planet’s ecology is a growing concern. Those who devote their work to the elevation of human consciousness and the sacred guardianship of earth and her life must act with immediacy and impact. As embodied agents of the planet’s “co-creative call” -we are conscious creators of our lives, our future and a new state of well being for our world. Orion will share and engage everyone in a potent Faery Seership technique and introducting us to the “Wisdom Keepers of the Underworld” as those who walk in Grace; the 7-fold Alignment for aligning to the 7 directions to attune to the forces that uphold and sustain us.
Healing and the River of Blood: Ancient Lore and a Healing Practice for Resolving Conflict on Both Sides of the Veil
We cannot curse the roots and bless the fruits. Much of the future of our species is contingent upon its relationship to its past. All of us (human and other) partake of a great stream of life called the River of Blood. Yet, sadly few of us have a living awareness of it and how to access, navigate and mediate it for the good of the past, present and future. In this workshop, Orion will discuss the nature of what he calls “life’s undercurrent” and its influence on the quality and potentials of our current lives. This current is both a source of great nourishment, wisdom, power and support but also the origins of many subtle and overt paradoxes, and problems in our lives. We are the inheritors and sometimes the perpetrators of these qualities. To heal ourselves and our world, we must heal what ancient ancestors knew as the River of Blood.
All Levels Vinyasa Yoga
Connect breath, body and spirit through movement. This class features an accessible pace of foundational yoga poses with focused guidance and alignment cues. Stretch, strengthen and de-stress with this stabilizing, focused practice.
Making the Darkness Conscious: Guising Through Shadow
Deep within our psyches dwell our shadows: repressed thoughts, emotions, behaviors and memories. These pieces of ourselves are pushed into the psychological closet for many reasons, but they don’t stay hidden well. Our shadow behaviors – responses that are out of proportion, actions and words that are actively harmful to ourselves or others – are rooted in that shadowy realm. Guising or Aspecting as a tool for shadow work allows us to approach our hidden and repressed selves, examine our shadow behaviors, and integrate our full magickal and personal power. This workshop includes a lecture, journeying and interactive exploration/integration.
Pagan Pastoral Counseling: Beyond Listening Skills
As we begin to uncurl from a year of physical isolation, new communication challenges are all around us. Current statistics indicate that over the course of the pandemic, one in five people lost someone close to them. Our culture and community is in deep need of healing. The good news is that there are alignments, energetic practices, magickal and practical techniques that allow us to meet people where they are and help return them to themselves. Explore the intersection of magick and spiritual companioning, and emerge with new tools to meet this new age.
Reforging The Inner Self; Healing Traumatic Events
As we move through life, emotional trauma, abuse, and loss cause our inner selves to fracture. In this ritual, we identify a personal, traumatic event, and using the power of the astral forge, rebuild the inner self to bring separated parts of ourselves back together. The re-forging process involves travel to the Realm of Elemental Fire. The 5 elements of the body – earth, air, fire, water, and spirit, are aligned so they focus and work towards the same goal.
Reforging the Inner Self: Unlocking Ancestral Knowledge
We all carry hidden knowledge within us, expressing itself through our genetics. There is a theory that exposure to an event is enough to permanently change us. At one end of this theory is the observation of an event that causes an emotional reaction, leading to an active change in our behavior. At the other end of this theory is the observation of symbols or energy that causes a change in our evolutionary biology. What if you could tap into this stream of change that occurred in your ancestral lineage? In this workshop / ritual, we tap into our genetic ancestral knowledge, filter the experience to match our life’s direction, and cause permanent change.
Healing the Soul Loss of the American Egregore– Medusa enters the Fight
The Battle is here. Many of us answered The Call to join our spirits in the fight for the soul of our country. Maintaining our faith, hope, humor, and joy is an ongoing struggle, especially for those of us working on the front lines of the current magical battles. We are experiencing trauma on a massive scale, and many of us feel overwhelmed and burnt out. Medusa has come forward as an embodiment of the sacred, sovereign antithesis of American patriarchal overculture. This workshop will give attendees an overview of the philosophies of Medusa’s evolution as a god-form, Her theories on the current battles within the United States, and Her ideas on how to help humanity endure and survive this painful evolution. Attendees will receive guidance for healing techniques at both the personal level and the cultural level. *
*This workshop is a helpful pre-requisite for the Ritual, but not mandatory.
The Labyrinth of Statues, a healing ritual with Medusa
Monika Healing Coyote will lead a Druid-style ritual to communicate with Medusa for personal healing and soul retrieval. While it is helpful to have attended the explanatory workshop beforehand, it is not a mandatory pre-requisite for this ritual (Monika will give a short review of the previous lecture, see program for more details). This ceremony will include a guided pathworking for attendees in order to facilitate the collective understanding of personal wounds from broken patriarchal structures, victimization from our government, and soul loss as a result of compassion fatigue/secondary trauma. Attendees are encouraged to bring their journals, ritual garb, and any protective items they wish to include. A synopsis of the ritual will be given as part of the pre-ritual briefing, as well as an explanation of Medusa’s role as Guardian of the Labyrinth of Statues.
Integrating Science, Magic, and Spirit
Though we may commune with gods and spirits and/or work magic and believe in its efficacy, we can’t ignore the science that underlies our everyday lives. And mainstream science tells us that magic and spirits don’t exist. Oh. But for all its accomplishments, mainstream science has often been wrong before, will no doubt be wrong in the future, and, Diotima argues, is wrong now about magic and the world of spirit. Sticking closely to the basic tenets of science, we’ll look at why that might be, and how cutting-edge science, magic, and the world of spirit are converging.
Working with the Stations of the Sun
In these rapidly changing times, one thing that doesn’t change is the yearly rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The solstices, the equinoxes, and the midpoints between don’t just represent, they are the cause of the Earth’s shifting seasons. They offer a solid, powerful foundation for a personalized spiritual and magical practice.We’ll look at the astronomy and the magic of the Sun’s ecliptic — its apparent path around the Earth — as well as the scientific and esoteric reasons for working with certain points on the ecliptic as anchors for both magic and spiritual development.
The Orphic Hymns and Their Use in Magic
The Orphic hymns are one of the largest and most important collections of Greek sacred invocational poetry from late antiquity. Legendarily written by Orpheus, the great bard-hero, the hymns are the liturgy of an ancient Dionysian mystery religion, and also an amazing collection of practical magic. We’ll talk about the history of the hymns both in antiquity and in English translation. We’ll discuss several hymns in detail, and finish the class with a group invocation of Tyche, the spirit of Luck and Fortune. During that rite, we’ll be blessing gold (colored) dollar coins as talismans. Please bring you own, or buy one or $1 at class.
Hekataion: Protective Door Guardians of Hekate
Throughout the classical world, shrines and statues of Hekate wereplaced by gateways; the gates of cities and temples. At Lagina, as well as in Miletus, Thasos, and in Rhodes, Hekate had shrines at the city gates. At the Acropolis of Athens, a large statue called Hekate Epipyrgidia (Hekate of the Tower) guards the entrance. Great Greek houses very often had small marble statues of Hekate (called Hekataion) at the doorways. More modest homes also had Hekataion, likely of wood which rarely survive to the modern day. In this “make and take” workshop we’ll make and bless our own! Ours are two dimensional ikons that we’ll paint. Bring your own paints and brushes, or you will be able to purchase a set in class for $10.
Wisdom of the Animals Ritual
What can we learn from settling into watchful stillness and listening to the voices of the animal spirits that live in our ecosystems? What wisdom can we glean from the smallest and most unlikely of creatures? In a world increasingly paved and tamed, humans have to go out of their way to establish relationships with non-human life and ways of being. In this ritual, we will journey in trance to connect with potential animal spirit allies and bring back their messages to our human community.
Heroes, Apotheosis and the Heroic Path: The World Needs Us to be Heroes
Ancient Hellenic religion is full of heroes and holds out the possibility of apotheosis—that a human may transcend their current state and become a god. What does it mean to be a hero? What do the ancient sources tell us that might inform our developmental path? What can we glean about the process of becoming a god? Gwendolyn believes that we are being called upon to walk a heroic path in which we are striving for excellence and of benefit to more than just our near and dear. She is obviously not an enlightened being…but is really deeply interested in figuring out how to become one and believes that the Theoi are clear that what They want is for us to grow and transcend our limitations, becoming like Them.
Dissipating the Glamour that Mistakes Outrage for Action: A Ritual in Service of Society.
Glamour, in this sense, is a delusion that occurs at the level of being in which cognition is mixed with emotion—the main place where humanity tends to function. Because we are all part of group minds and group souls, glamour is highly contagious and can be extraordinarily detrimental. This ritual will work to dissipate one of the main glamours that is inhibiting our ability to function well as a society, namely the glamour that mistakes feeling outraged for action, effectively dissipating much of our collective energy that could be used to actually work to change the world. This glamour is pernicious and is intentionally fed by our media ecosystem. The group will be given the group ritual and a solitary variant and the way to modify the working for any glamour will be explained.
Ritual Reading of an Ancient Hellenic Play
Hail Dionysos! Ancient Hellenic theater was once performed in honor of the Great One of altered states of consciousness. Together in ritual space we will read aloud one of the great plays from ancient Greece. Gwendolyn will give some brief background information on the play and then we will pass the script among us, rotating lines. The play is always given to Gwendolyn in trance based on what needs to be spoken in ritual space. In 2017, we read Seven Against Thebes, in 2018 we read Lysistrata, and in 2019 we read Oedipus at Colonus. We await to see what will be required by these times.
Urglaawe 370: Die Deitsche Raane (The Pennsylvania Dutch Runes)
Description: It is widely accepted that some runes have played a role in Pennsylvania Dutch symbols since well before the Migration to Pennsylvania, but the Deitsche Raane served a small segment of the Hexerei community as forms of divination and healing during the 20th Century. The runic system was one of the most difficult aspects of the Pennsylvania Dutch culture to research, but, after 14 years of interviews, investigations, and exploration, the rune set has been finalized and is ready for public consumption. The Hexerei community utilized some unique and peculiar methods of healing using runic energies, and the Urglaawe community has expanded the divinatory practices that are familiar to many of other Heathen traditions. In this presentation, we will introduce the runes, their associated elements, and their energetic charges. We will demonstrate how they may be used as a part of a traditional Hexerei healing session, and we will show some of our unique divinatory methods.
Die Entschtanning (Ritual)
Die Entschtanning ("The Emergence," in Pennsylvania Dutch) is a major observance on the Urglaawe calendar. It is oft described as the "baby bump" phase of the Wheel of the Year because it is the manifestation of potential life all around us. The kickoff event is traditionally Grundsaudaag (Groundhog Day), and the full lore surrounding this otherworldly messenger is by far more interesting than anything you will find in Punxsutawney. This ritual will honor the goddess Freid and will feature a demonstration of the creation of a Butzemann, or an activated scarecrow. Entschtanning is the busiest of all Urglaawe observances; please join us as we celebrate the promise of new life!
Death Midwifery Panel
The topics of “a good death,” final preparations, respect for our religions, and the handling of the deceased are subjects that come up frequently in Pagan circles, particularly as more of our population ages. In this panel discussion, we will discuss Death Midwifery and other topics related to end-of-life planning. Featured topics will be document preparation, family and hospital interaction, counseling, funeral planning, and more.
Panel Moderated by: Robert L. Schreiwer. Panel: Maggie Beaumont, Sabrina Chase, Larry Goble, Jr., Jessica Shoemaker, Stacey Stewart, and Ralph Young
Fire has been an important part of all cultures and religions, from pre-history to modern day, and was vital to the development of Civilization. With such a rich and wide landscape, are we placing “the idea of fire” in its proper mental, esoteric, and ritual framework? In this lecture, we’ll look at the very roots of “Fire” and its Promethean legacy. We’ll explore spiritual and cosmic fire, the “terrestrial fire” of the Tartarus, and how human evolution, both culturally and anatomically, was touched by this divine elemental. In this lecture, we will take the swaddling clothes off our current western understanding of the “fire mythos,” taking these beliefs out of their modern infancy, pass the fantastic, and into the reality of the truly unbelievable where fact is always stranger than fiction.
Global Spirits Ritual for the Spirits of Unity
In this open circle, The Universal Temple of Spirits presents a service for the Spirits of Unity, honoring them in their manifestations through drumming, dance, song, and art. The service will begin with a sung litany prayer to set the space. All are welcome to join in with this. And then the drums start. The singing and dancing continues throughout, and we call our Spirits into ourselves to share our celebration.
This is an open circle; you may join late or leave early (although you’ll probably miss some good stuff if you do). It is a Pantheistic working, so we will honor Spirits from around the globe and sing in their native languages, when possible. Please note that this is not an open drum circle; it is a possession-based working. The more active your participation, the more exciting the service, so… Please bring: A manifestation of a Spirit you wish to honor; A song for them, if you have one; A design for them, as we will all be drawing for our individual Spirits.; DrumsAltar objects, if you have them . You may wish to dress in the colors of the Spirit you’ll be honoring.
Depression, the Ancesral Gift
The mental state typically called “depression” has been referenced in writings dating back at least 25 centuries; struggling with the condition is nothing new. There is no question that our ancestors were touched by depression,and emerging research hints at the evolutionary role that it plays in humanity. This workshop will be focused on the wisdom of our collective ancestors when it comes to understanding and engaging with depression. Participants will draw insights from guided meditation and personal experience of ancestor veneration into the the presence of depression in their own family trees, as well as in their communities. Ideally, they will be able to identify an ancestor who is willing to serve as a mediator with the spirit of depression.