Mission & Philosophy

Our Mission

Archers of the Sacred Flames is the thirteenth coven of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a 501(c)3, Wiccan, syncretic tradition.

The mission of Archers is to support, teach, and encourage members throughout a journey of spiritual evolution in which they will seek empowerment, balance, and unification of self. The ultimate goal is for members to attain wholeness and then to assist others upon the Path, actively engaging in the Tradition’s mission to re-enchant the world.

Members of Archers will pursue their own individual work in addition to structured syncretic work as a group. From the foundations of ritual parts to the study of the Tree of Life, Archers members will dissect each part of the whole, learning not only how a process is completed, but also the theory behind the practice.

Our Philosophy

Archers’ philosophy is that practice and application are integral components in the journey of personal and spiritual evolution. Our members have many learning opportunities both from within and outside of our Tradition and are encouraged to incorporate this new knowledge into their personal work. Only through practice and application does one become proficient and thereby ready to lead by example and teach others. This grand sharing of knowledge and experience brings us one step closer to re-enchanting the world.