Sweat Lodges


Several Times A Year We Offer Sweats To The Public. Please Read Everything Here Before Contacting Us. The schedule is at the bottom of this page.

SWEAT CANCELLED  April 25, 2020

The Sweats Are In Southern Delaware Near Georgetown


About The Sweats:

The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is very powerful and is not for everyone. It is an ordeal for healing and purification that is strenuous and taxing for both the body and the spirit. You will be asked to sign a release form in order to participate. Feel free to call us and ask questions.

We, in our household, are not Native American so we recognize that our Sweats are not Native Sweats. We honor the wisdom of Native traditions as we create our own unique ceremonies. The Sweat Ceremony has existed in some form or another on every continent in a wide array of cultures. 

The sweats at Seelie Court (name of our land) use Wiccan protocols developed by people within our tradition (Assembly of the Sacred Wheel), but the sweats are not officially part of the ASW. On occasion, guest Water Pourers who follow native or other paths will bring their tradition to our lodge.

By Reservation Only

Sweats are generaly held on Saturdays and we conduct one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Call us to reserve space as a lodge will only hold a small number of people. There are health issues that can make sweat lodges risky. You will be asked to disclose your health status in order to reserve a spot.  To reserve a spot call us at (302) 855-9422 or email us panpipe@seeliecourt.net

If your plans change after making reservations, please call or email so we can adjust the list. 

Also check the day before to make sure that your sweat is still scheduled. We won't waste resources and will combine the sweats or cancel them unless there are sufficient reservations


Please plan to arrive by 10:30 AM for the 11:30 AM Sweat, and 1:00 PM for the 1:30 PM Sweat. If you would like to attend the fire ceremony arrive by 8:30 AM. Plan on spending some time after the Sweat to rest and eat before departing. This can vary from 30 minutes to a few hours depending upon the person. 

Upcoming Sweat Dates

  • February 29, 2020
  • CANCELLED April 25, 2020

Driving Directions Are Here


A page with lyrics and sound files of our commonly used chants are found by clicking here.

Check List Of Things To Bring:

  • A requested donation of $15 to cover costs of fire wood, stones, mailings, guest Waterpourer's transportation, etc. Or donations of firewood. quilts, blankets, sheets, stones, labor, etc. instead of money are also welcome.
    No one will be turned away that cannot donate money or materials. There is a basket out for donations— no pressure, nobody will ask you.
  • Food or drink to share after the Sweat while you recover.
  • Change of clothes and a towel.
  • Small symbolic gift for the Water pourer (shells, feathers, herbs, etc.)
  • You will be asked to sign a release form before sweating.

Driving Directions Are Here

We Are A Legally Recognized 501(c)3 Religious Non-Profit Organization